Vegetable Serving Sizes for Toddlers – Feeding Littles

Veggie serving sizes for toddlers is much smaller than you may think! Did you know that a serving size of vegetables for a two-year-old is just 2 tablespoons? Yes, only 2 tablespoons! (They can always have more of course!)

Parents always worry about how many veggies their child will – or won’t – eat. Toddlers and kids don’t always tend to gravitate to veggies, but there are so many things we can do to help them learn to love them in a safe, low-pressure way.

First off, please take comfort in the fact that veggie serving sizes are actually pretty small! 

What’s considered one serving of veggies? 

1-year-olds: 1 tablespoon 
2-year-olds: 2 tablespoons
3-year-olds: 3 tablespoons
4-6 year-olds: 4 tablespoons (1/4 cup) 
7-10 year-olds: 1/2 cup

We recommend serving at least 3 different servings of veggies per day when possible.

What do I do if my child eats more than the recommended serving? 

Serving sizes are simply a guideline to help understand adequate nutrition. Your child might eat much more – or less – than this. We don’t recommend forcing your child to eat this amount; we simply share it so you understand that kids don’t need a lot of veggies to meet their nutrient needs! 

My kid is picky with veggies. Where do I start? 

One way to help kids eat more veggies? Serve them in smaller quantities! That’s right, a tiny pile of tomatoes is way less intimidating than a big one, so kids are much more likely to eat them!

Plus, if they don’t eat them, you’ll waste less food.

What matters most with veggies – and any food – is exposure. Are you serving veggies at most lunches and dinners? (Maybe breakfasts here and there too?) Are you offering veggies as part of snacks? If your kiddo never sees a veggie, it will be harder for them to learn to love them.

By the way, your kid will survive if they don’t eat veggies, even if you serve them every day…especially if they love fruit! Toddlers and kids are fickle about food – it’s NORMAL.

Our full plan for getting eating back on track with your toddler child (ages 1-10) can be found in our Toddler & Kid Course. If you haven’t taken it yet, here are a few key strategies to start with:

  • Remember that veggie serving sizes for toddlers are pretty small. Your kiddo may be eating a lot more than you think.
  • Aim for exposing your child to at least 3 different veggies a day – the more the better, but don’t obsess or pressure them. It will just turn them off. (Getting them more interested is covered extensively in our course!)
  • Keep portions served very small. Remember that a food is very overwhelming if served in large quantities. Think a few pieces of cucumber, a few shreds of carrots.
  • Eat the veggies yourself too! Kids model what they see.

Need help with this? Want expert, realistic guidance from feeding professionals and moms who know what works? Check out our Toddler & Kid Course and join the thousands of parents worldwide who have taken back mealtime.

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