When I started my first blog, Google’s blogspot.com was a good
choice. But, alas, Google (the company that promised to “do no evil”!)
stopped supporting their Blogger app for newer Apple devices.
Trying to write or edit posts on my new iPad was fraught with frustrating snafus, and on my new iPhone my blog looked really weird. To avoid
further damage to my teeth – constant gnashing wears them down – a major change was needed.
Like many fellow bloggers, I chose WordPress. Fortunately, it provided me with a tool to easily import all the content from my two blogs.
My older posts, transitioned from Blogger, might look a bit strange on WordPress.
So, please, bear with me, I’m still learning how to maneuver my new site. The name remains the same, only the URL is different.
I hope you will follow me to my brand new site “BROT & BREAD“.