Cosmic Gathering: Huntress Moon

Cosmic Gathering is our women only invitation to connection and self care brought together by Candace of Lovely Woods press, Michelle of Cosmic Bath &Beauty, and Myself. Our fall gathering was a beautiful pause to the autumn season for an evening of spiced and spiked drinks, fall flavors, and an opportunity to support local female entrepreneurs while spending time with old friends and connecting with new ones. Offerings included fall flower crowns, portraiture, tarot readings, hand scrub bar, vintage dresses, crystal jewelry, henna, live typewriter poetry, sourdough specialties, and artful creations. Here are some behind the scenes photos by wonderful Marilyn Days Photography, I hope they entice you to attend our next gathering in the spring and to follow some of these local female powerhouses. 

Lovely, Cosmic, Alchemy. 

prepping Alchemy Bread family meal for all the craftswomen

bread and cheeseboard for craftswomen

Kitchen Alchemy 

Arranging a feast for huntresses and gatherers

Persimmon meditation

Alchemy Bread sourdough baguettes 

Spiced apple bourbon elixir handcrafted by Lovely Woods

flower crowns made by Lovely Woods

Lovely Woods Display setup. 

Chelsea America our portrait artist warming up in her beautiful vintage chairs. 

Portraits in watercolor by Chelsea

Felicia of The Rad Vintager setting up delicate dresses. 

Tarot reading with Lili of Black Moon Healing

Christina of Moonlit Substance setting up her display. 

Michelle of Cosmic Bath & Beauty offering hand scrubs and warm hugs. 

Beautiful crowd of wonderful women a mixxin’ and a minglin’ 

Gillian and Stella of MoSt Poetry writing poems on the spot on vintage typewriters

Sophia, Gillian, Lili, Candace, Michelle, Bonnie, Brook, Felicia, Gigi, Christina, Stella, Chelsea. 

Poets, card readers, carvers, soapmakers, bakers, artists,  curators, handcrafters, writers and painters. The makers of Cosmic Gathering magic. 

All photography by wonderful Marilyn Days Photography

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