The only advice you need to know to be able to bake your first successful loaf. — Healthy Nasti Kitchen

Once you mix all the above ingredients together the dough will feel sticky, lumpy and very coarse, it’s ok. Don’t panic and don’t stress out.

Once all ingredients are well mixed through into a rough dough, let it sit there for an hour. Literally: Forget about it.

Leave mother nature to do its job.

Then go back to it. Pick up a little piece of dough and fold it into the middle of the dough. If your hands get sticky again, wet them with some cold water.

Keep doing this procedure that, we bakers call stretch and fold, until the dough feels rigid or stressed or harder and stiffer, but don’t push it too far, stop as soon as your dough starts ripping.

Now it is the nice part. Let it prove. Nothing else. Let it double, this will be the sign that you need to be aware of to start your shaping.

Once you have arrived at this point your dough will also be ready to be baked.

It’s all about shaping now. Your only expectation needs to be met, nobody else’s. Don’t compare yourself to any other person. Have faith in the mother yeast or sourdough culture.

You know I have a full masterclass that can teach you how to do all these steps, don’t hesitate to go and watch it.

This is your journey. Have faith in the process.

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