Blake Wulf sort of tumbled into organic farming by way of his grandfather. After raising four daughters who pursued professions beyond the fields, Blake’s grandfather — a row crop farmer — found a young protege in Blake, eager and excited to learn the family trade. This eventually led to a brief career in commercial agriculture that lasted until 2019.
It was in that year Blake rented a plot of Iowa land untouched by synthetic fertilizers or chemicals for over three decades. “The soil was different on that farm,” Blake says, “more tilth than what we were used to. That was very intriguing to us.” That soil proved enticing enough to leave commercial farming altogether to establish a small, organic operation that was not only environmentally sustainable but economically sensible: Wulf Family Farms. Six years later, Blake now uses that same plot of land to source three of Breadtopia’s most popular organic heirloom grains: Rouge de Bordeaux, turkey red and spelt wheat berries.
Blake’s vision for his serendipitous venture is simple: farm to improve soil health and the environment in a way that will benefit family and neighbors. “We want to leave a legacy of working hard at tending all that God has given us,” he says, “to leave everything we touch in this life better than we found it.” We couldn’t agree more.