Frugal Foodie Mama: Chicken Mushroom Flatbread

 You can have this artisan-worthy Chicken Mushroom Flatbread pizza for one on your dinner table in less than 30 minutes!

First, before I even begin here, let me apologize to you all for taking such a long hiatus from posting to the blog. As many of you all know by now, I donated a kidney to my fiance in October of last year. My recovery went pretty smoothly, but my fiance was hit with a few setbacks shortly after our surgeries. 

We faced many challenges- mild rejection episodes (which we have now come to realize is fairly common within the first 6 months of a transplant surgery), numerous medication adjustments (he was on 20+ prescriptions at one time during this journey), and even emergency surgery which resulted in him having to stay weeks longer in the hospital. Let just say that life needed my blog to temporarily take a back seat.

Fortunately, we have finally reached the light at the end of the tunnel and life is somewhat resuming to normal. My fiance is feeling healthier and stronger every day, we have the meds under control, he is back at work, and we are planning for a (hopefully) fall wedding. 

So, I know some of you all may be wondering why I am sharing a simple and easy recipe for one with you all today. Because for the longest time, the recipes on my site have been geared towards being both budget friendly and family friendly. 

But families tend to change. I went from a 4-person household to a 3-person household when my son moved away to college. And when my ex-husband and I went our separate ways, my household size dropped to just two. And on days when my daughter is with her dad? It is just me.

Learning to cook for just myself was definitely an adjustment, but as I began to cook on those days and nights when I was home alone, I started to embrace it and, ultimately, find the joy in it. It was truly
freeing when I realized that I didn’t have to consider other people’s likes
and dislikes- I am the only one to please at the dinner table now!

What I love most about this recipe for one is how easily and quickly it comes together using a store bought flatbread and just a handful of fresh ingredients. It is so perfect for when you are just feeling exhausted from the day or happen to be short on time, but you also don’t feel like ordering in for dinner. With just minimal effort, you can have an artisan-worthy flatbread pizza on your dinner table in less time than it would take for the pizza delivery person to knock on your door!

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