Your company’s first 401(k) plan audit is due; do you know where to start? Plan sponsors and administrators have a fiduciary duty towards the plan, ...
We’re all taught to save our way to retirement. We take a portion of our monthly income and invest it in a 401K account. However, there is a far more ...
Investing in gold has always intrigued me. It’s not just about owning a shiny metal—it’s about stability, diversification, and even owning physical gold. If ...
How many times have you moved jobs? The average person has 11.9 jobs between the ages of 18 and 50. And if each one has a retirement plan that you ...
There’s a huge demographic shift happening in the United States, as millions of ...
At Fricke & Associates, LLC, we pride ourselves on being our clients’ most trusted business advisors. We offer insightful advice to empower informed ...
Did you recently leave your job and have a 401(k) plan? Then you have some important choices in front of you! I will discuss what happens to your ...
Every year, the IRS sets the maximum 401(k) contribution limits based on inflation (measured by CPI). There are actually multiple limits, including an ...
401(k) accounts provide employees with many tax benefits, but when you need the money, there are tax consequences you must understand.The ...
Saving for retirement is a crucial aspect of financial planning. One common question is, “Can I contribute to a 401(k) and an individual ...