It’s the New Year, but sadly Kiyoka’s ‘promised break’ didn’t even last a day when he’s forced to go back to work due to the increase of Gift Communion ...
Thank goodness that they didn’t show as many things going on at once and instead focused on half of the events that are currently happening. So let’s ...
Two mysteries down, and many more to go! With the arrivals of the envoys from the West, Jinshi is left scrambling trying to figure out how to arrange ...
I gotta say, I’m relieved that they finally slammed on the breaks in episode 5 (which was why I waited to do a double-post). It was a good build up of ...
We’re finally back after a few month’s break and boy did they not hold back. So much is going on and after leaving all the confrontations on ...
After Naoshi giving everyone a jump-scare at the station, Kiyoka had arranged Miyo to stay within the military’s base premise for better protection. ...
This week Maomao’s investigating has led her to the smell that Shisui had mentioned about in the North side of the Inner Palace. The area has been ...
It was a certainly a good thing that Arata did show up when he did because it’s as he said, Miyo’s still too inexperienced to jump into these things ...
In advance of the foreign envoys banquet, comes the annual caravans that enter the inner courts to sell foreign goods. It’s the most exciting event of ...
The Apothecary Dairies is back and man, they were flying through this episode! But I get it, it makes sense to get the shorter introductory stuff of ...