So, after I blogged a few days ago, I scrolled down and read the previous blog entry, and then the one before that, and the one before that, and kind of ...
Step Two of the nine steps of being able to defer something is ensuring it can actually be deferred. If it's a stain on the carpet, it can be deferred. ...
It's clear that sustainability is becoming a crucial component of many law firms' strategies and operations. However, despite the growing interest, many ...
I thought as I wrote this to a pilot recently, that it's the sort of thing I used to write on my blog, except just doing it myself, demonstrating it, ...
Twenty years ago two childhood friends, with a shared passion for entrepreneurship, embarked on a journey to revolutionise the startup funding ...
This Conversation Heart Sugar Cookies recipe takes classic buttery sugar cookie dough and turns it into oversized conversation hearts, complete with ...
If you’re in New York, join me for a conversation and listening with Jace Clayton (DJ /rupture) and Alejandro Aviles (Sonido Kumbala) at Union Docs, a ...
November 7, 2024 by Chris Steege The RealDeal did the unprecedented: it interviewed a real estate AI Agent. This was not a conversation by keyboard, this ...
In conversation with Isaac Kamuta, Group Head: Payments, Cash Management & Client Access at Ecobank.
Home Media Expert Perspectives In conversation with Isaac Kamuta, Group Head: Payments, Cash Management & Client Access at Ecobank. ...
I didn't send this, because it might be kind of inappropriate, and on closer inspection someone else on my team had followed up, and the candidate either ...