(Beth Clifton collage) Policies meant to discourage owner-surrenders may have led to pack killing two lambs and a goat just 1,500 feet from the Gulf Coast ...
FFA: Following the Future of Agriculture: Attitude of Gratitude ...
Showing cattle is a lot like NASCAR. There is the car (calf), the driver (the showman), the pit crew (fitters and clippers), and the crew chief (the boss). ...
Time slips past like a fleeting breeze,Whispering secrets through rustling trees.One blink, the morning fades to noon,Another, and night swallows the ...
We recently had the privilege of attending the National Future ...
Who’s ready for everyone’s favorite week of the year? If you said you can’t WAIT for National FFA Week, you would be correct! Ever since I joined FFA, you ...
Throughout this year as an Indiana FFA State Officer, I’ve learned through my interactions and experiences this year that becoming a successful leader is ...
There’s no day like a snow day, in my opinion. You don’t have to go to school, and outside turns into a wintery playground for sledding, building snowmen, ...
As July unfolds, county fairs are in full swing around the United States. This time of year makes me think of members of agriculture youth programs, like ...
What Does FFA Really Stand For? This is a question I’ve found myself answering many times, and it has prompted me to reflect on what those three ...