What is an employer’s responsibility? The primary responsibility is to provide a safe working environment where employees are paid ...
For several years, we have been involved with STRIVE, an organization that helps people coming out of the justice system to find ...
Shopping on line isn’t what it used to be. I dont find it fun anymore. Everything looks the same. Instagram feels like riding the ...
When I began to go through menopause, I kept getting UTIs and other infections that failed to heal quickly. It sent me down a ...
As a country, we are relatively young. Europe and Britain, which are much older and supposedly our allies, citizens understand ...
I get the sales email all the time. I do feel a need to respond politely, “No thanks. ” The hope, of course, is that someone ...
The state of NY has done countless things wrong in rolling out recreational cannabis licenses through the Office of Cannabis ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKZ-HKr5um0 Tamra Cosby, a poet from South Side Jamaica, Queens, and a current resident of ...
One of the most incredible things about technology is getting things done without being put on hold. Appointments, reservations, ...
We purchased our Tesla in 2014. When our parking garage installed electric chargers, Fred, like many of us, jumped on the Tesla ...