Clearcode recently interviewed Marcel Udo and Aadjan de Groot from Connect73 to discuss the challenges of measuring in-store retail media and digital ...
Rebecca Hendricks is a writer, researcher, and explorer with a penchant for 1950s pop culture and the societal impact of rock and roll. Her acclaimed Hound ...
">Ron Perlman is no stranger to compelling, character-driven stories, and his latest film, Day of the Fight, is no exception. Directed by Jack Huston in ...
MARIO & SARAH QUINTERO of SPOTLIGHTS: The Absurdity Of Labels An interview by Bridget Herlihy. William Shakespeare once wrote, “a rose by any ...
Interviewing for a job is one of my least favorite things in the world. My two best friends, including Andrew, love though. One thing that helped me get ...
What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write Damned Yankees? I got the idea during my year-long study at the Naval War College in Newport, ...
Welcome to my Author Interview, today I am with Rebecca L Marsh. I was fortunate enough to be offered the chance to read and review her third novel, Where ...
Welcome to my Author Interview, today I am with Rebecca L Marsh. I was fortunate enough to be offered the chance to read and review her third novel, Where ...
Welcome to my author interview, today we give a warm welcome to Claire Huston the author of Art and Soul. I was given the wonderful opportunity to read ...
Twitter I am thrilled to have interviewed author Andrew Tweeddale, who shared with us details of his writing life, his book ‘A Remembrance ...