In which I finally, truly understand the concept of “Best Girl.” After a somewhat rocky start, Toradora soars with a fantastic school festival arc ...
A season so strong, it’s not just bueno. Vrai, Peter, and I team up again for the Winter 2020 retrospective. This season was chock full of good ...
Bring on the lovers, liars, and clowns! Caitlin, Vrai, and I dust off some obscure musical references and recommend a slew of comedy series to help ...
No witch left behind. Witch Hat Atelier begins with the premise that “anyone can become a witch” and then spends practically every volume ...
Created as an anime-original project in 1998, Princess Nine spends the first three-quarters of its 26-episode run with an often spot-on ...
Over the decades, the number of fantastical stories starring female characters has slowly but significantly risen. As that number has gone up, so ...
Take a flight of fancy with this under-the-radar gem. Annie (@annieothername) and Jeff (@jeffinitelyjeff) were kind enough to invite me onto their ...
Set in 1900 England, Goodbye, My Rose Garden tells the story of the young noblewoman Alice and her maid Hanako as the two connect over their ...
Let’s put some shine on this buried treasure. I was beyond delighted when Ashley (@AshMcD00) invited me on to Shojo & Tell to talk about one ...
The Summer of Saiunkoku continues, this time in article form! Once upon a time, a poor little girl named Hong Shurei did not dream of ...