"Krusty Kris" Puppy Saved From Shelter Before Euthanasia!
Whether you’re rehoming a kitten, or buying one from a breeder, this guide, approved by our vets and behaviourists, will tell ...
Kittens Fall from Truck Driving on Interstate-SAVED!
One kitten almost escaped to the desert! ALMOST is the key word! 😼
Dog Found Hanging from Fence: SAVED AND FIXED!
One evening, a few days ago, some boys from the village came to Tanja's house. They had found a little kitten on the street. It had been crying for 2 hours ...
When it comes to protecting the vulnerable, Hannah “Kitten Lady” Shaw is not kitten around. She’s so serious, in fact, ...
Tourists from Moldavia found a babykitten in Limenaria. They took care of it and bottle fed it until they had to go home and then asked for our help. ...
Operation Harvest Moon - the rescue of 140+ small dogs and a single kitten