Cool Naruto become famous because of Viz Media. But really because of Toonami. For anime fans in the western hemisphere, Toonami was a ...
Ninja – a word associated with the assassination, espionage, and violence. They live in the shadows stalking their prey in darkness then strike when you ...
Anime Limited, otherwise known as All The Anime, have today taken to social media to reveal that Collector’s Edition versions of ...
Naruto and Hinata both know each other from a very early age. Even before getting into the ninja academy. Hinata always stalked Naruto. She had such an ...
Despite some earlier episodes now being over two decades old, NARUTO continues to be one of the most popular anime and manga series ever released. Created ...
Among the most famous Sensei characters within the anime community, the name Kakashi Hatake is probably one written in golden letters. For Naruto, he is ...
The world of anime is vast and filled with endless anime characters, stories, and subcultures. Even so, some shows stand out more than ...
Anime are weird. There is not much logic to most of the things that take place in it. But not everything is illogical despite them being a fantasy. ...
Anonymous asked: ...
Japanese cuisine is known for its intricate flavors and delicate preparation methods. Before we dive into the specific dishes shown in Naruto, here are some ...