Tips For Online Success The art of staying connected.Pay attention to any alerts coming from your phone. Each and every one of them should be ...
Transcend The average human rises. Stumbles down to fresh caffeine. To be armed for daily bullshit… One requires this machine. Big sips ...
Growth Spurt Why was the bus driver so unpleasant? Certainly wasn’t subtle. He just seemed to despise all of us kids. Especially me. Could ...
Saturday Dear Diary: Haven’t written in a long time. But I’m back for a reason. And searching for the right words… Because what does a person ...
Bad At Flirting Alright, let’s recap the last 5 seconds: I asked, “Excuse me, is the line always this long?” Then she goes: “Yup, best ...
Different Flavors The first time I worked with a famous person? Over 20 years ago now… See, network sitcoms are well-oiled machines. And I ...
Her Autumn Journey This summer with my husband? Dreamy months of endless bliss. Romantic dinners, perfect sunsets Always with a gentle kiss. ...
Take Me Out To The Ball Game I wake up bright and early. Another night spent dreaming of untold riches. I sleep the same way I live – driven, ...
Partly Cloudy Man, some weirdos stick like glue to the stuff they like. (Some weirdos = me) Did I drive the same little Toyota for two ...
Truth Or Consequences Phillip is a corporate titan. He rules his kingdom from a corner office in the sky. Imposing square footage? ...