Visible satellite as of 9:58AM CST today. As we have reached the 10AM hour on this second Saturday in March, ...
Rainfall amounts from 6AM CST Saturday morning to 7AM CDT Sunday morning. Looking at our pattern for today, we have a deep trough out to our west with a ...
WARM WINTER DAY: Temperatures are in the 75-80 degree range across Alabama this afternoon with sunshine in full force… the average high for February ...
WARM AFTERNOON AHEAD: Temperatures are mostly in the 40s across Alabama early this morning; we expect a high in the 75-80 degree range this afternoon, far ... MILD AFTERNOONS: Afternoon highs will rise into the 70s across ...
RADAR CHECK: We have some lingering light rain over far South Alabama early this morning; that will end soon and the afternoon will feature a partly sunny ... Saturday brought a taste of spring to Alabama, with unseasonably warm ...
ON THE MAP: A surface front has drifted into North Alabama this morning; it is just north of I-20 at sunrise. Temperatures are in the 50s north of the ...
Today and tomorrow we are seeing more clouds than sun with some isolated showers possible at just about any time, ... RADAR CHECK: Showers are very scarce across Alabama this ...