This German shepherd dog was owned by a man in Limenaria who died a while ago. His wife, an older lady, couldn't take care of it. She felt sorry for the ...
Sadly we had to let Zelda go over the rainbow bridge. Her tumors were taking over so badly that we had to decide what is best for her.She was found in ...
A lady, currently on the island, wanted to adopt a dog and she set her eyes on Vienna. To see if she was the right dog for her, she took Vienna with her to ...
We want to say a big THANK YOU once again to the Dutch organisation Wereldasielen who supported us with a large donation to cover a part of our vet and ...
We just read the news that one of our dogs, setter Donald, lost the battle against Leishmaniasis...Are thoughts are with April and Gavin who gave him the ...
We got the sad news that Noah has crossed the rainbow bridge. Exactly two years ago he joined his new family in Germany and today they had to let him go. ...
With Teaming you can donate just € 1 per month to ACT. For you € 1 might not be much, but with many Teamers it makes a big difference for us. With that ...
This is our newcomer Itchy. He is a greek hunting dog and seems still young. His story is very sad. 2 weeks ago a couple came to our ACT employee Sophia in ...
Unfortunately we have some sad news to share with you. 😥 Maybe you remember our old but very sweet setter Diana. We took her in November 2020 from an old ...
We got an email from a German lady who asked for help. Reading the email we understood that she did part of the 'helping' already by herself: "Thursday we ...