“What time did you say you want me to start drinking?”
The holiday feast is still being prepared and the chaos of family and friends sitting down to turkey dinner hasn’t even gotten comical yet.
However, when it is finally time to relax, you can see if there’s any wine left over after cooking or try one of these Thanksgiving or Christmas themed cocktails and remember to follow the rules for holiday drinking.
Right On Schedule
Football fuels the holidays too. The pros battle for a playoff spot on Thanksgiving, sometimes with an extra gridiron gift on Xmas, and college bowl games decide championships on New Years Day.
Funny You Should Ask
And then there’s vaudeville. W.C. Fields once said,
Christmas at my house is always at least six or seven times more pleasant than anywhere else. We start drinking early. And while everyone else is seeing only one Santa Claus, we’ll be seeing six or seven.
Although, he may have been confusing Jolly Old Saint Nicholas with the raindeer on the roof on that matter.
holiday cartoon via New Yorker