The tiny cans that pack powerful punch added a sixteenth drink to the menu. Welcome to the cocktail party, Whiskey Sour!
The Tip Top Whiskey Sour is a straightforward mix of whiskey, lemon, and sugar – pouring in at a solid 25% ABV. That gives you plenty of room to add ice and land at the perfect level of dilution Yes, water is a key part of cocktails. That doesn’t make it weak; that makes it proper.
“Since our launch five years ago, we’ve seen that our customers love whiskey as the Old Fashioned has always been a top seller. With this Whiskey Sour, we can now offer a simple and delicious counterbalance that’ll be great for the fall and year-round refreshment.
~ Tip Top Co-Founder Neal Cohen”
A whiskey sour only has three ingredients (unless you’re adding an egg white), so it’s easy enough to make on your own. Like all canned cocktails, though, these are great to have these on hand when you’re on the go. Plus, they take up approximately zero space. That means you can carry a near limitless number so you don’t have to compromise your drinking preferences just because you are out doing something fun.
The canned cocktail comes in 4/8/12 packs at a consistent $20/$40/$60 respectively. To save you the math, that’s $5 per can. They’re available in 25 states and online in 40 states.