8 Crystals For EMOTIONAL Balance & Support

Here are eight crystals for emotional balance and support. Reach for these healing crystals when you need to balance your emotions and stay calm and centred in challenging times…

Working With Crystals For Emotional Balance

Sometimes, our emotions are up and down and it’s hard to hold it together. Maybe it’s the moon or challenging life events. Perhaps it’s the crazy and unpredictable world we now live in… Luckily, there are some crystals that can help support you.

Crystals For Emotional Balance. Unakite
Crystals For Emotional Balance
Moonstone tumbled stone
Moonstone tumbled stone
Blue Calcite tumbled stone
Blue Calcite tumbled stone
Rainbow Obsidian Heart
Rainbow Obsidian Heart
Rainbow Fluorite tumbled stone
Rainbow Fluorite tumbled stone
Amazonite tumbled stone with smoky inclusions
Amazonite tumbled stone with some smoky inclusions
Unakite tumbled stone
Unakite tumbled stone
Lapis Lazuli Goddess carving
Lapis Lazuli Goddess carving
Rose Quartz Heart
Rose Quartz Heart

Which of these crystals will you be working with or adding to your collection? I would love to hear from you in the comments below (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).

If you’re looking for help with something else then please check to see if I’ve already covered it in a blog post by searching my website:

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With gratitude,



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Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – The text and photos should not be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini. You can share links to it but don’t copy it! Thank you.

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