Massage, Aromatherapy & Reflexology in Lancaster: Illness, Covid Risk, Pregnancy, Vaccination, New Meds… When Should I Cancel or Reschedule an Appointment?

If you have booked, and since then something has happened and you are not sure whether you should still attend… this may help. 

I cover cold, flu, Covid and stomach bug symptoms, contact with Covid-19, test results, concern of Medical Provider, Post-Covid conditions, pregnancy, vaccination, and other new medical conditions or medication. 

Cold, Flu, Covid or Stomach Bug Symptoms

PLEASE CANCEL IF you have Covid, flu, a stomach bug (eg norovirus) or other contagious bacterial or viral infection – even just a cold! Avoiding Covid is just as important as ever to me, my family, and my vulnerable clients. If I get “cold” symptoms, even pre-Covid many clients preferred to cancel than risk catching something. Now, with the most common symptoms of Covid being runny nose, headache, fatigue, sore throat, sneezing, and coughing (in that order of prevalence), I would lose many days of work by precautionary cancelling in case it turns out to be Covid.

Generally, if you are ill, please wait until you are recovered, including no temperature, diarrhoea, vomiting, and no infection related sneezing or coughing for at least 48 hours. 

For Covid, please do not attend an appointment until its been 10 days since infection – or if you don’t know exactly when you were infected – 10 days since the start of symptoms, or from your first positive test.

The top 20 symptoms of Covid:

Data from Kings College Zoe app data, March 2022. 

Symptom Questions:

  • Do you have a high temperature (you can use a thermometer or check if you feel hot to the touch on your chest or back)?
  • Do you have a new continuous cough (this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours, or if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)?
  • Do you have a loss of or change to your sense of smell or taste (this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal)? 
  • Do you have, or feel like you might be coming down with a cold or flu, and/or do you have a runny nose or sneezing not explained by allergies?
  • Do you have a headache that is not usual for you? 
  • Do you have a sore throat, pain swallowing, hoarseness or onset or worsening of a cough?
  • Do you have new fatigue or exhaustion? 
  • Do you have new unexplained muscle or joint pain?
  • Do you have abdominal Pain, loss of Appetite, or diarrhea?
  • Do you have chest pain or breathing difficulties? 
  • Do you have new dizzyness, brain fog, swollen glands, earache or chills?
  • Have you recently experienced sudden confusion, or difficulty waking? (this is a common symptom in older people) 
  • Do you have a new skin condition (including rash, skin marks, spots, bumps, lesions, discolouration, chilblains (especially on the toes), sore eyes/mouth, mouth ulcers, tongue changes? (More info at 
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please reschedule
Or contact me to discuss, eg if you have had negative Lateral flow or PCR test(s) and/or you are confident that there is a cause for your symptoms other than Covid. However bear in mind that even before Covid, I asked people to reschedule if they had a cold or flu or felt like they might be coming down with something.

Contact with Covid-19 or Covid Test Results:


In the past 10 days, have you been at home with, or in close contact with, anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19, or has tested positive for it?

Are you required to self-isolate or shield currently according to the NHS Test and Trace service, a Health Professional, local Public Health Officer or Border Control? 

Have you had a positive Covid test result within the last 10 days, or are you awaiting the result of a PCR test?

– If yes, please cancel, or if appropriate, reschedule to a later date where you hope to be cleared to attend. 

If I have had close contact with someone with Covid-19, even with all my protective measures at work – I will do the same, and cancel all appointments for 10 days after that contact. 

Concern of Medical Provider:

Has your GP, Medical Specialist or Midwife, expressed concerns about you attending an appointment (eg due to your risk level) or receiving treatment?

– If yes, please cancel, or contact me to discuss. 

Post-Covid Conditions:

Since booking, have you developed any new symptoms which are or could be a Post-Covid complication (bearing in mind you may have had Covid without knowing you had it), eg: 

– post Covid-19 blood clotting or circulatory complications (eg deep vein thrombosis, micro-embolisms, stroke symptoms or pulmonary embolism)?

– new pain, swelling, redness/discolouration or cramping in your legs? 

– new onset of severe deep muscle or joint pain—unrelated to recent physical activity?

– new discomfort with exertion, including chest pain or pressure, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, or cramping? 

If so, please delay your appointment until you have spoken to your GP, and checked they have no concerns about you having a treatment, then contact me to discuss. 


If you become pregnant, please check with your GP or midwife that they have no concerns about you attending – and edit your Massage or Reflexology booking to a Pregnancy and Post-Natal session and complete the additional form. 


If you end up having a vaccination in the 48 hours before your appointment please cancel. If its more than 48 hours but you are still having side effects other than a sore arm, please contact me to discuss.

Other New Medical Condition or Medication:

Unless its something minor, best to let me know before your appointment. 

If your issue isn’t addressed here, or you still are uncertain, feel free to email, text or call me to discuss your concern or uncertainty. 

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