Reflexology Research and Mechanical Ventilation: Why reflexology helps patients
The application of reflexology’s pressure techniques to the sole of the foot helps the return to breathing on his or her own for critically ill mechanically ventilated adults. Or so research finds as reported in ReflexologyResearch and Mechanical Ventilation by Barbara Kunz.
Why would this be?
Consider UCLA researcher Dr. Ron Harper’s study. Premature infants frequently have breathing difficulties. Dr Harper studied what happens when a vibrating disc was applied to the sole of premature infants’ feet. The results show that the infants breathing normalized. Why? Dr. Harper notes, it’s “‘… a simple device that tricks babies’ brains into thinking they are running, which prompts them to breathe.”
“Every neonatologist knows that if a neonatal patient stops breathing, you rub the sole of the foot and they’ll start breathing again,” he says. “Well, what is that? That’s activating the proprioceptors of the foot.”
“Proprioceptors are a type of nerve cell that help us feel where we are in space. Being able to keep your balance with your eyes closed, or to touch your fingertip to your nose without looking, are examples of proprioception. The nerve fibers project to the cerebellum and are activated with running or walking.”
Premature infants struggling to breathe and critically ill adults breathing with the support of mechanical ventilation were helped when sensory experience was applied to their feet.
For the infants, it was a vibrating disc on the foot that helped their undeveloped lungs breathe better. For the adults, it was the pressure technique application of reflexology to the feet that helped them better cope with and be removed deem breathing with ventilator support.
Why would reflexology help patients on mechanical ventilation? It’s the special and critical role of the foot in walking and running that creates possibilities for helping those with breathing difficulties.
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