
In the NBA, players are occasionally evaluated on a “+/-” metric. If you come into the game with the score 42-34 and you leave the game with the score 54-44, your +/- is +2 (you were ahead by eight when you came in and you left leading by ten).

In Action Streams, +/- represents a change in customer state.

  • A “+” is when the customer does something positive, like visiting your website or interacting with your community or watching one of your videos on YouTube or clicking through an email campaign.

A positive action requires a new Action Stream. If the customer has not purchased in eighteen (18) months and suddenly appears on your website, you suspend your normal email cadence with a new Action Stream. You already do this when the customer abandons a shopping cart. Why not extend the concept when the customer visits your website and looks at low-priced Home merchandise (for instance)?
  • Contact 1 = Show customer what the customer looked at.
  • Contact 2 = Show customer related products.
  • Contact 3 = Your best discount/promotion (since your lust for discounts/promotions requires action).
  • Contact 4 = Show customer content options to keep the customer engaged.

In Action Streams, a “-” represents a customer who is about to lapse to a lower / less responsive customer segment.

Remember the segmentation strategy I use to classify customers?
  • Elite:  75%+ Annual Rebuy Rate + 12 Month Buyer.
  • Loyal:  60% – 74% Annual Rebuy Rate + 12 Month Buyer.
  • Quality:  40% – 59% Annual Rebuy Rate + 12 Month Buyer.
  • Average:  20% – 39% Annual Rebuy Rate + 12 Month Buyer.
  • Struggling:  0% – 19% Annual Rebuy Rate + 12 Month Buyer.
  • Lapsed Spend:  12%+ Annual Rebuy Rate (worth spending money on).
  • Lapsed Experiment:  5% – 11% Annual Rebuy Rate (worth testing ideas on).
  • Lapsed Save:  0% – 4% Annual Rebuy Rate (don’t spend money, they are unresponsive).

Any customer with a “-” is a customer in the lowest percentage point of the band. The customer is about to drop down to a lower segment.
  • Example:  A Loyal customer drops to a 61% annual rebuy rate. This customer is graded with a “-“. This is your signal to DO SOMETHING to prevent the customer from falling from Loyal to Quality status next month.
In your customer database, you flag any customer with a 76% / 61% / 41% / 21% / Lapsed 13% / Lapsed 6% rate … you flag them as “-“, and then you DO SOMETHING to stop the customer from sliding down to a lower customer segment. You set up an Action Stream to mitigate the demise of the customer.

Does that make sense?

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