To mark the start of 2021, we have put together the predictions of several leading international digital analytics experts. Privacy, compliance, ethics, analyst vs. machine, data democratisation, AI and contextual advertising… All the current trends are covered by our eight specialists. Discover them for yourself!
“Analysts’ expertise will regain the place it deserves”
A lot of people are talking today about artificial intelligence and automation in data and analytics. It is true that these technologies offer unparalleled opportunities; machines will always have superior capabilities to detect, for example, weak signals. But this could also lead to the idea that machines will soon replace humans.
This is also reinforced by the common belief that digital technology can measure everything with extreme accuracy. The best example is the attribution, where you only need to read a table to assess your online investments! However, there are so many statistical distortions (cross-devices, ITP, Adblock, RGPD, data silos…) that it is impossible to have ultra-reliable data. An Analytics tool will never be an ERP!
I therefore hope that the development of the market around these issues will allow the analyst to regain the place they deserve. Their expertise will be more valuable than ever in analysing data, taking into account the limits of data collection, putting the statistics in a market context and using their experience to assess the results (“what is a good bounce rate?”).

Lionel Cherpin
CEO, Empirik
“Analytics will become even more mission-critical to business success”
Let me start with a controversial and possibly shocking statement – data and analytics will become even more mission-critical to business success in 2021. I’m sorry for causing you to drop your coffee and break your favourite cup. Admit it – you thought 2021 would be the year we go back into the cave, embrace each other (from a distance) and switch off all digital devices.
2020 taught us to be mindful of predictions. COVID has turned our lives and business priorities on their heads. Many data and analytics initiatives were put on the backburner while organisations were forced unexpectedly to evolve their business strategy. Still true in early 2021 but the light at the end of the tunnel (vaccination) means many of the data and analytics initiatives that were paused in 2020 will be recharged in 2021 as our lives are further digitalised.
Key areas of progress:
- Further development of digital commerce will drive the next evolution in digital analytics, including greater integration of AI analysis and anomaly detection tools
- As customer servicing has grown in importance during 2020, so will customer servicing analytics – mostly a non-existent/underdeveloped analytics discipline
- Workforce and human capital management will be transformed as home working becomes the new normal. This will require the development of new workforce analytics frameworks
- Data ethics questions will continue to occupy businesses as they look to increase the usage of data and PII whilst adhering to GDPR, CCPA and other privacy legislation
Hey – don’t forget to get a new coffee cup for 2021.

Michael Feiner
Digital Analytic Hub
“Live shopping will become a major trend in Europe”
2021, the year of Live Shopping?
I think we all agree that 2020 has been a very unusual year for everyone.
For e-commerce, it has been an incredible boost driven by the need for many companies to digitalise quickly. We had to find simple and effective solutions to get started and transform their business. These solutions included live shopping, which is becoming a major trend in Europe.
At Pikka, we are convinced that Live Shopping is easy to implement and very profitable for many retailers. It’s a safe bet that after Asia, Europe will rapidly get into the live shopping game.

Benoît Gaillat
CEO, Pikka.fr
“The CNIL has shown that it has the will to act and enforce sanctions.”
2021 will be another year of far-reaching changes for digital marketing. European regulators have set out their position on trackers – and consent has been strengthened. With the publication of the CNIL guidelines, continuing to navigate no longer constitutes consent. This requirement calls into question the ability of all players to collect raw data as of 1st April 2021. And the issue at stake covers the entire data analysis process: audience measurement, customer knowledge, monetisation of publishers’ spaces and advertisers’ ability to target. Also, claiming an exemption from consent will require documenting the choices made.
This situation creates a climate of regulatory risk. So, will the CNIL be lenient?
Nothing is less certain; at the end of 2020, it showed that it had the will to act and enforce sanctions.
At the same time, and despite two years delay, there are serious questions over the maturity of the various players. Here are two clear examples:
- mobile uses, the majority in terms of size, do not have the same level of transparency as the web
- the personalised digital experience – this marketing holy grail – is rarely given enough attention by product marketing or adequately covered in the conditions of use to enable the processing expected by customers to be carried out legally
In the coming months, everyone will have to prove their responsibility, prove their right to act and document their liability in anticipation of controls or complaints.
To do this, the DPOs must anticipate. Transparency on processing – the foundation of the DPO – and public information will be key issues. However, when you realise that two thirds of French people do not know that the web is financed by advertising, there is still a long way to go!

Sébastien Gantou
Data Protection Officer (CNIL certified) and GDPR expert
“2021 and the years to come will be defined by the #NoConsentNoTracking approach, the art of privacy-by-design.”
This past year, we have seen an increased focus on the GDPR and the advent of the CACP has finally helped to spread the importance of privacy beyond the borders of the EU. In Canada, too, in response to high-profile data leaks, legislation is finally catching up.
Despite their differences, I think we’ve come to a general understanding of the principles behind these regulations: Lawfulness, fairness and transparency, Purpose limitation, Data minimisation, Accuracy and control, Storage limitation, Integrity & confidentiality, Accountability. Consumers are more aware of their rights, which is excellent. Legal actions have revealed blatant cases of malpractice, recklessness, unethical and clearly illegal actions. Marketers and analysts have appropriated the theory, but the practice remains a challenge.
I think our obsession with “compliance” has distracted us from the very reason these laws are passed: the humans about whom we collect data. In specialized focus groups and at conferences, I have seen leading experts in our industry passionately debate the need for consent dialogue or, more often than not, the ways to avoid them altogether. I can’t imagine users coming to a site and saying, “I don’t want to be tracked by your analytics tools or ad networks, but if Solution X is set up that way, I agree.” Our users haven’t reached that level of faith and trust in Martech/Adtech, and clearly, they will never have that level of interest.
Privacy laws and privacy conscious browsers are creating an ominous tension with Martech/Adtech vendors who are pushing the envelope to the limits of compliance. Anyone who has dealt with the GDPR and the many exceptions and slight differences in ePrivacy is a prime candidate to be committed to an asylum!
So what can we expect in 2021? Marketing has always been a matter of trust and building strong brand relationships. Hopefully, we will go beyond the Law and adopt the principles of transparency, control, and fairness not because they are legally required, but because they are ethically the right thing to do. Clearly, in 2021 and beyond, #NoConsentNoTracking, the art of privacy by design, and putting the customer in control are values and steppingstones to customer centricity and a data-driven culture.

Stéphane Hamel
Program Director, Faculty of Business Administration, Laval University
“It will be necessary to work hand in hand at the international level to avoid a balkanisation of our globalised environment.”
Risk with respect for data protection found itself under scrutiny in 2020, as companies recognised that they need to find a balance between digital data opportunities and accountability.
While major platforms continue to address the alignment between data flows and legal notices by “lawyering up”, forward thinking actors acknowledge the rise of technical debt and are thinking more along the lines of the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance criteria).
The ‘Gold Standard’ of the GDPR – still the leading global legislation – remains the benchmark, embracing international and forward looking contributions around consent. However, it is still going through adjustments such as how to deal with the ‘one-stop-shop’ principle, and avoid bottlenecks linked with Brexit.
Europe’s ePrivacy Regulation also still needs to be settled. This has highlighted the utility of the other legitimate basis for processing personal data within the GDPR, as data moves server to server.
Increasingly, from a technical perspective, debates around “where” the processing is taking place require collaboration between engineers and data privacy experts to align with companies’ legal strategies. This is not only from a sovereignty perspective (in which country) but also opposing centralised to de-centralised ways of processing such as on devices.
Finally, as supervisory authorities, consumer associations and competition authorities increasingly work together to align themselves from a legal perspective, private actors are heavily weighing in on the purpose limitation and data minimisation principles enshrined within the GDPR.
It will be necessary to work together internationally, as nobody wants any form of balkanization in our global world – both between policy enforcers/makers and private entities – while the latter has more interest in collaborating in terms of interoperability.
If the objective of data-driven decision making is to optimise our societies, respecting individuals’ dignity and autonomy, it will take Two or more to Tango and move us all forward.

Aurélie Pols
Data Governance & Privacy Engineer
“Organisations will aim to further train and inform users on the reports provided by the analysts.”
“Just give me the numbers.” Analysts hear that all the time. Our business counterparts get upset that they don’t understand the data, don’t agree with the results, and don’t want to be seen as ignorant; so they argue. That will change now that analytics is embedded in everything in the business.
Organizations will provide more education and training to those who utilize the output from analysts. This will happen because analysts are getting more education and training about how the business runs, how individuals are compensated, and how to interact differently with different types of decision makers.
It is the beginning of the detente where the business side better appreciates the complexity and fuzziness of analytics, and analysts better appreciate the complexity and anxiety of running a business, a department, or a campaign.

Jim Sterne
Founder, Digital Analytics Association
“In 2021, more attention will be focused on contextual rather than personal data.”
In 2021 there is a new ‘normal’. Working from home as the new default and as well as respecting the privacy of online visitors.
With GDPR, e-privacy, the DSA and the shocking transparency report of ISBA in place, it forces us to think more about alternative routes in digital advertising. We are therefore shifting our focus more to contextual instead of personal data, while still being able to match advertising with content.
So, this year will be the ultimate ‘momentum’ for publishers to start monetizing no-consent inventory, while keeping the content accessible for a broad public. By doing so consumers won’t get annoyed by consent pop-ups, and advertisers will still see an incremental uplift in results by targeting based on context. This will lead to more satisfaction on both sides and will provide a more mature and transparent Digital advertising ecosystem.

Linda Worp
Ster, NPO advertising agency