The developments continue: Explorer, Data Query 3 and new features in Access Rights.
Explorer: share your
custom views
For the last few
months, you have been able to configure and save analyses in the form of
“views” in Explorer. This is a huge time saver for those
who regularly need to carry out repetitive actions: adding filters, modifying
sorts, combining properties, etc.
These views can now be shared with other users: sharing applies when you activate the “Everyone can access this view” option when saving a view. Once you have performed this action, the view will be available to all users in the organisation.

For optimal readability, views are now listed in two sub-categories: “My views”, and “Shared views”.
The event log is available in AXON Anomaly detection
With AXON Anomaly detection, as soon as you discover an unusual website event, you can now add it directly to the event log.

Dashboards: 4 new
features for even greater flexibility
It is also now
possible to publish the standard data sets included in the model
library. To do this, you need to start from a model, then save it under another
name – you can then customise it as you much as you want. This also applies to
analyses imported from Explorer.
New relative analysis
periods are now available in
the calendar: “Last month”, “Current quarter”, “Last
quarter”, “Current year”, “Last year”.
In the calendar, the “previous
year” comparison will also be applied by default once you have
activated it when you save your default period.
You can now create
datasets with custom metrics with a global scope.
Data Query 3: New operators available

When you work on
numerical properties, it is very convenient to be able to apply mathematical
operators to them.
Until now the count()
was the only one available. However, you now have access to several others:
When you apply an
operator on a numeric property, the property switches from rows to columns to
have the same behaviour as a metric.
CSV download and optimised
pagination in Data Query 3
Data Query 3‘s export capabilities are evolving, you can now download the top 10,000 of a request, in CSV (new features will allow you to retrieve larger volumes!)

In order to improve
the performance of Data Query 3, we have redesigned the paging system. You
can now move from page to page without listing all of them.
You are also now able to display the total number of rows in a request very simply.

Access rights
From mid-April you will be able to edit your users’ access rights on the new dedicated interface. Your access rights will not change, but the interface will have the appearance of the new look Analytics Suite.

The interface has been redesigned to give you a better overview of the access rights in your organisation. The lists have been revised to become complete tables giving you a comprehensive view of the attributes associated with each item.

For users, you cansee their roles, number of groups, status and last login date. For sites, you can see the groups and associated delegations and their status in one view. Groups show the number of sites, users and the associated delegation.

The new interface also introduces a new feature for users: the ability to set an end date. After this date, user rights are frozen, which can be convenient and safer for temporary users of the solution. You no longer need to go back to the interface to cancel their rights!

This version of access
rights also introduces shortcuts for faster interactions, notably on the
definition of administrators, accessible directly from the user page.
Over the next few
months, we will take the same approach to add new shortcuts based on your