The latest updates for
your Analytics Suite, for Data Query 3, AXON Contribution,
AT Connect and Tag composer.
Data Query 3: your feedback is already valuable!
Two months have already gone by since the beta release of Data Query 3 and you have already given us more than 400 comments and evaluations. Thank you! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Among all the functionalities requested, some have been prioritised, developed and delivered:
Simple and multi-sorting on properties
You can now apply a simple sorting on a property by clicking on the table header, or use the multi-sort feature to be even more precise in editing your dataset:

Property categories (#hashtags)

Your new data model is very powerful, with several hundred properties. To help you navigate, in addition to the search engine, a keyword system allows you to navigate through the main themes of your data model: pages, sources, visits, etc. A property can be classified into different themes.
You can add themes to properties or create new ones directly from the data model.
Your feedback is important and helps us to identify the most expected features. You can vote on the Crowdmap portal and stay informed about the features that are already under development.
AXON Contribution
Save time and automatically extract insights. We help ourselves explain unusual variations in your data using our Data Science algorithms! Natively integrated into Explorer, our AXON Contribution system digs into your data to explain your traffic anomalies, saving you a lot of time-consuming tasks. The uses are infinite: highlight the cause of an unexpected variation in data, identify hidden but significant trends, detect robots, and many others… This new feature is available on all time series charts in Explorer. For more information, visit the Help Centre!

Connect Google Data Studio is available!
This integration allows you to easily import your standard AT Internet data into Google Data Studio. Explore, transform and combine Internet AT data with the hundreds of sources available in Google Data Studio. With this integration, you can create relevant and interactive reports with just a few clicks. Collaborate with your team by building dashboards to help you make decisions.
More info in the Help Centre.
Tag Composer gets a new look ✨
The new Tag Composer offers a significantly improved experience. Users who needed support to set up a tag are now guided from the creation of their configurations to their deployments! We are now talking about real configurations to follow the evolution of the tags and ensure a real consistency of tagging between your different site perimeters or applications. Of course, new deployment editions options have been added, to provide more simplified implementation, and it’s almost codeless! Learn how to take advantage of it in this exclusive article.