What Would An Action Stream Look Like?

The results were absolutely compelling.

Let’s say the customer last purchased eight (8) months ago, and just visited your website. What should you do?

  • If you are obsessed with discounts, it’s time to kick those into high gear. Instead of 25% off, make it 35% off. You’ll love it, your customer will like it.
  • Show the customer new arrivals for the product category that the customer previously purchased from.
  • Ask the customer if the customer needs to replenish what was previously purchased.
  • Promote the items that the customer looked at last month.
  • Promote complementary items to the items the customer just looked at.
  • Promote complementary items to what the customer purchased previously.
  • Ask your customer to engage with more of your content.
  • In retail, tell the customer of upcoming in-store events the customer may want to participate in.

When I log into the customer forums on Headphones.com, I am sent into an Action Stream based on the content I looked at.

This stuff works.

And there are dozens of vendors who will help you do it.

So what stops you from doing this stuff?


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